Self-setup LoRaWAN: Decoder Only


It is possible to retrieve data with any LoRaWAN EU868MHz compatible Gateway.

A key is needed here to unlock the devices in the same way as above to access the data. The key can be obtained by entering the serial number of the device in Quandify's Partner Portal.

More information about keys can be found here.

💡Please contact if you would like to receive the decoder file.

The decoder in the Partner Portal allows customers to access a LoRaWAN decoder from Quandify, translating data into their server.

Included data (every 1h):

  • Error code

  • Meter reading for water consumption

  • Battery level

  • Minimum and maximum water temperature

  • Room temperature

Medium or Large leak alarms will occur immediately and not wait for the next uplink

⚠️ Using the decoder only option greatly limits the support and troubleshooting Quandify can offer. We highly recommend discussing other integration options with customers for a more supported and positive user experience.


/* Uplink Messages
- periodicReport: sent every 1h
- alarmReport: pushed periodicReport if urgent water leakage alarm occurs

Example periodicReport payload:
bytes: 8fb90400a3013400000000000000c2a904008a181a0203e0e752554f
"ambient_temp": "19.5°C",
"battery_status": "OK",
"error_code": 419,
"leak_status": "Medium",
"total_volume": "52 L",
"water_temp_max": "22.5°C",
"water_temp_min": "21°C"