CubicMeter Testing Guide


Welcome to the CubicMeter Testing Guide! This guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting up and testing your CubicMeter device, depending on your network configuration. We’ve outlined the process for testing through Quandify’s TTN (The Things Network) and the Quandify Dashboard, as well as through a Private Network Setup.

Testing Through Quandify’s TTN and the Quandify Dashboard

Setup Requirements

  • TTN Coverage: Ensure there is existing TTN coverage in your area. If not, you may need to purchase a TTN gateway to extend coverage.

  • Access to Quandify Application: You will need either the desktop or mobile Quandify app.

Commands Available

All commands provided by Quandify are accessible through this setup.

Setup Guide

  1. Device Registration and Setup

    • Create an Account: Go to the Quandify Portal or open the mobile app and create a login.

    • Register the Device: After logging in, register your CubicMeter device on the Add Device page using the device's serial number.

  2. Verify Pipe Type and Diameter

    • This step is crucial to ensure accurate readings. Verify that the pipe type and size are supported by the CubicMeter model you are using.

    • Important: Once the device is installed, you cannot change the pipe type and diameter settings directly on the device. Any changes must be made through the Quandify Portal or by using downlink commands.

  3. Physical Installation

    • Mount the CubicMeter: Follow the manual guidelines for installing the CubicMeter on the appropriate pipe (copper or plastic, depending on your model). Use the provided stainless steel clamps to secure the meter.

    • Activation: Remove the activation sticker from the meter. This powers up the device and initiates communication with the LoRaWAN gateway or within public network coverage.

  4. Network Testing and Verification

    • Check Connectivity: Make sure the CubicMeter is within range of the gateway. Environmental factors like walls and building materials can impact signal strength. Aim for a strong signal with an RSSI value of -40 or higher (closer to 0).

  5. View Data in the Quandify Portal

    • View Your Device: Check the Add Device page to confirm the device is registered. Once registered, go to the Device page to view the collected data and interact with or export it.

Testing Through a Private Network Setup

Setup Requirements

  • Compatible Gateway/LNS Solution: You must have a compatible gateway and LoRaWAN Network Server (LNS) solution.

  • Knowledge of Gateway and LNS Controls: Familiarity with your specific gateway and LNS solution is recommended. Limited support is available for most solutions.

Setup Guide

  1. Device Registration and Setup

    • Create an Account: Access the Quandify Partner Portal and create a login.

    • Register the Device: Register your CubicMeter using the device's serial number and DEVEUI (Device Extended Unique Identifier).

    • Obtain Device Keys: Retrieve the device's encryption and network session keys from the portal. These are essential for secure communication over LoRaWAN.

  2. LoRaWAN Configuration

    • Device Activation: Configure the CubicMeter for OTAA (Over-the-Air Activation), the standard method for LoRaWAN devices.

    • Network Settings: Enter the DEVEUI, Application Key (AppKey), and JoinEUI (AppEUI) into the network server’s configuration settings.

  3. Physical Installation

    • Mount the CubicMeter: Install the CubicMeter on the appropriate pipe (copper or plastic) as per the manual. Secure it with the provided stainless steel clamps.

    • Activation: Remove the activation sticker to power up the device, allowing it to start communicating with the LoRaWAN gateway.

  4. Network Testing and Verification

    • Check Connectivity: Ensure the CubicMeter is within range of the LoRaWAN gateway. Environmental factors may affect the signal strength. An RSSI value of -40 or higher is recommended.

    • Verify Data Transmission: Once active and connected, the device will start transmitting data. Log into the Quandify Partner Portal to monitor data such as water flow rates, temperature, and leakage detection.

  5. Interacting with the Device

    • Downlink Library: Use the commands provided in the Downlink Library.

    • Send Commands: Send commands when the next uplink is expected to ensure proper reception. Avoid sending multiple commands simultaneously to prevent message loss and confusion.

  6. If you need more commands or wish to integrate the Quandify dashboard, please contact us for integration instructions. We are here to help!


Q: How often will I receive data from my device?
Uplinks are sent once an hour, providing information such as:

  • Uptime

  • Error code

  • Water consumption meter reading

  • Heat energy estimation from hot water heating

  • Timestamp and flow rate details of ongoing leakage alarms

  • Battery level

  • Minimum and maximum water temperature

  • Room temperature

💡Leak alarms are sent immediately

Q: Why am I not receiving 24 messages in a day?
Weak coverage may cause message loss. Try moving the Gateway closer to the device to improve connection.

Q: What should I do if I receive an error code on the device?
Refer to the Error Code library for instructions on the appropriate actions to take.

For further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team at