How do I install my CubicSecure?


⚠️ The CubicSecure must be installed by a plumber according to the Safe Water Installation industry regulations.


Safety systems such as residential sprinklers and emergency cooling of solid fuel boilers or similar must be connected before the water safety system. If they are installed after- wards, they risk being left without a water supply.


Install the CubicSecure after supplying safety systems that require water.


Water filters that are backwashed should also be connected before [word missing] to avoid interfering with its function. The system prevents water damage that may occur after the position of the CubicSecure.


In the event of apartment installation, devices should be installed on hot and cold water pipes to protect against any leakage and avoid possible scalding.

Mounting Orientation

The diagram below illustrated the correct installation of the CubicSecure. The arrows show the direction of water flow.


The CubicSecure is equipped with a counter-hold on the underside. Use an adjustable wrench on the counter-hold.

It is also possible to use a screwdriver in the slot to create a counter-hold

Pipe connection and flow direction

Tighten the couplings without damaging the plastic casing on the CubicSecure.

Make sure the flow arrow on the bottom of the device is matching the water flow direction.

Electrically ground water pipes

Make sure that your water pipes are electrically grounded to earth.

When installing metal pipes in the distributor cabinet, the pipe must be provided with an electrical protective equalization (earthing) which must be installed by a qualified electrician if there is not already an earth screw in the cabinet.

Connect to power

Connect power to the device using the micro-USB power adapter included.