Using LoRa Gateways


Due to its small size, long battery life, and easy clamp-on installation, the CubicMeter connects most reliably to LoRaWAN through indoor gateways. For optimal connectivity, we recommend using indoor gateways.

We recommend using indoor gateways because these are adapted for indoor environments such as basements, cellars and attic spaces.

The range of the gateways will be influenced by the building structure and materials, therefore, make sure to check:

  • Gateway Proximity
    For optimal performance, place the gateway as close to the CubicMeter as possible.

  • Gateway Location and Height
    Higher placement of the gateway generally improves performance.

  • Wall Material
    Concrete walls affect reception because it blocks signal strength. If you have concrete walls, place the gateways as close as possible to the CubicMeters.

Ensuring the CubicMeter is connected allows the device to collect data, enabling you to monitor everything from consumption to temperature and leakage alerts.

Compatible Gateways

We use TTN for our LoRa network, but any LoRaWAN EU868 gateway is compatible with the CubicMeter.