

Clamp-on water flow meter and leakage detector for plastic and copper pipes.


Easy-to-install water flow meter and leakage detector. Alerts if water leaks are detected. Measures water volume & temperature to increase awareness. One design for multiple pipes. No plumber required to install, with an average of two minutes to install.


  • 1x CubicMeter LTCM02-X

  • 2x small stainless steel pipe clamps

  • 2x large stainless steel pipe clamps

  • 2x tamper-seal covers

  • 2x tamper-seal stickers

  • 1x “remove to activate” sticker

Below are the included pipe clamps:


CubicMeter White (copper pipes): LTCM02-C

CubicMeter Black (plastic pipes): LTCM02-P


CubicMeter offers two models, one for copper pipes and one for plastic pipes. Below are specifications of compatible pipe types, their outer diameter and LCD-code for the two models.

CubicMeter White (Metal Pipes)

CubicMeter Black (Plastic Pipes)


The CubicMeter can be mounted on the property inlet pipe before it splits to different outlets like kitchens, showers, or bathrooms. It can also be installed post-split for detailed measurements.

⚠️ Ensure the pipe is ready before mounting and is:

  • clean

  • undamaged

  • free from corrosion

  • free from paint

If the area on the copper pipe where the CubicMeter will be mounted is corroded or painted, smooth the pipe surface before mounting by removing any roughness mechanically or using a solvent.

Pipe Distance

For best performance, install the CubicMeter with adequate space before and after pipe bends to prevent flow turbulence. Ensure the specified distance requirements below are met:

Upstream Distance

X > 10x outer pipe diameter

Downstream Distance

Y > 5x outer pipe diameter


Pipe Type

Copper 15

PAL 20

Outer Diameter

15 mm

20 mm


Is greater than 150 mm

Is greater than 200 mm


Is greater than 75 mm

Is greater than 100 mm

Optimal Placement

The device may be rotated vertically around the pipe if needed.

Video Unboxing and Pipe Installation


⚠️ Incorrect installation affects metering accuracy; do not use plastic zip-ties.

  1. Loosely place the hose clamps provided around the pipe.

  2. Place the device between the clamps and align the brackets over the device.

  3. Tighten the the screws using your screwdriver to a torque of 0.4Nm.

  4. Remove the activation sticker. Select the pipe setting by holding the sticker over the IR-eye and removing the sticker when the correct pipe appears on the display.

  5. Verify on the display that the device accurately reports the flow by turning on the water flow for at least 60 seconds.

    If symbol “no sensing” is shown, verify steps 1-4 or try another mounting position/rotation on the pipe.

    Note: The device will start saving data automatically after 1 hour in pipe selection mode. If the activation sticker is put back on for 15s over the IR eye within 1 hour, after it has been removed, the device will revert to its packaging state.


The ultrasonic interface of the CubicMeter will adapt to the geometry of the pipe. If the device is remounted on a different pipe diameter, the performance of the device cannot be guaranteed. This is especially critical when moving the device from a smaller to a bigger pipe diameter.


  1. When the proper pipe has been selected, open any water tap to get a steady water flow.

  2. Check that the LCD-display now shows a flow rate (l/h). 

  3. Turn off the water by closing the tap and check the flow rate on the LCD-display that it is now near 0 l/h.

    If step 2 or 3 was unsuccessful, please make sure you followed the installation and pipe setup instructions correctly. You can also try to rotate the device around the pipe, in case the pipe has been deformed. 

Note: If the meter has been activated for more than 1 hour, it will instead show total water usage in m3.


Attach the anti-tampering cover and stickers after installation is complete and tested to prevent unauthorized removal.


All units conduct an LCD check every 5 minutes.

First, all segments will disappear for 1 second followed by displaying all segments for 1 second. This is to verify the screen's functionality.

The following information is then displayed in the following order, 1 second per item: 

  • Firmware version number 

  • Firmware CRC32 checksum in hexadecimal format

  • Current pipe temperature in °C

  • Selected pipe setting type 

  • Event/change log counter

  • If applicable, the last error code logged



3.6 VDC Li/SOCl2, non-replaceable, up to 10 years

Storage Conditions:

5°C - 55°C

Water Temperature:

0.1°C - 70°C (T70)


5°C - 30°C, indoor usage (B, E1)

Sampling Frequency: 

1 Hz

Water Usage Resolution:

1 Liter

Wireless M-bus Protocol:

Wireless M-Bus (868MHz, C1, format A)

Wireless LoRaWAN: 

EU868MHz (SF 12 for RX2), 1.0.2-revB, OTAA

LoRaWAN Data Resolution:

1 hour*

Maximum Flow Rate:

4000 l/h

Small Leak Detection:

>1-9 l/h** over several days (Only using Quandify platform)

Medium Leak Detection (LEAK):

>10 l/h for at least 40 min 

Large Leak Detection (BURST):

>1500 l/h for at least 5 min 

Flow Rate Accuracy:

Copper Pipes: max ±20% error

Plastic Pipes: max ±10% error

Flow Rate Accuracy after On-site  Calibration:

Down to ±2% error

Ambient Temperature Accuracy:

Max ±1.5°C error

Water Temperature Accuracy:

Max ±2°C error


280 grams (excluding packaging)


Width: 40 mm, height: 79 mm, length 87 mm

*You can increase data transmission frequency with various subscriptions, maxing out at once every 15 minutes.

**Depending on pipe size & material.


  • Maintenance-free for up to 10 years.

  • Check the LCD-display for error codes here.

  • For faults, contact your authorized distributor. Only authorized Quandify centers handle service and battery replacement.

  • Authorized personnel can configure settings via the meter’s optical eye or LoRaWAN.

  • Use original manufacturer spare parts for external replacements; authorized personnel perform replacements.

  • To uninstall a meter, remove tamper-seal covers with a screwdriver and cut metal fastening clamps with pliers.