Understanding Leak Detection


The CubicMeter measure three types of leaks (small, medium, large), each using unique thresholds. 

The default thresholds for Small, Medium, and Large leaks are defined in terms of flow rate and duration

Large leaks (BURST on display)

Large leak detection uses rolling averages to detect leaks with different flow rate and duration thresholds. Large leaks are indicated locally on the device.

The device will trigger an alarm when there is a continuous flow over 10 l/h for at least 40 minutes.

Medium leaks (LEAK on display)

This method for detecting medium leaks is similar to the approach used for detecting large leaks, but with different thresholds.

The device will trigger an alarm when there is a continuous flow over 10 l/h for at least 40 minutes.

Small leaks

The small leak detection computes mean flow rate using summary statistics over 34 minutes. Small leak data is then forwarded to the cloud for further analysis and leaks are detected after 48 hours. The system continually evolves for small leak cloud computation.

A small leakage is triggered if there is a small water flow between 1-10 l/h during several days in a row. 

This is detected by our cloud's algorithms by analyzing the CubicMeter's ultrasonic measurements over several days. 

This feature is only available when using Quandify's platform (app or portal).

Note: A larger leakage alarm will always override a smaller leakage detection.

Leakage type

Flow rate (L/h)

Small leakage


Medium leakage (LEAK)


Large leakage (BURST)
