Quandify Platform Integration Overview


This is for the use of a customer's existing LoRaWAN LNS infrastructure together with Quandify integration and/or UI.

A key is needed here to unlock the devices to access the data. The key can be requested from Quandify through the Partner Portal by entering the Serial Numbers of the LoRa devices.

The customer then gains access to a LoRaWAN decoder from Quandify that analyzes and translates the data into the customer's server.

One requirement is that this decoder has the rights to make http requests to Quandify's platform to perform data analysis and return more data, such as small leakage alarms.

Included data sent once an hour:

(same as when connected to the Quandify LoRA Network via TTN)

  • Uptime

  • Error code

  • Meter reading for water consumption

  • Estimation of heat energy from hot water heating

  • Small, medium, and large leakage alarm

  • Information about timestamp and flow rate of ongoing leakage alarm

  • Battery level

  • Minimum and maximum water temperature

  • Room temperature