Best Practices for Installation


Below you will find recommendations to get the best results from the CubicMeter:

Check your pipe size before mounting the CubicMeter

For the best experience, check the pipe type and diameter prior to installation. Have this information available during the installation so the process is as seamless as possible when entering the pipe type and diameter.

Install on a vertical pipe for the highest reduced chance of air

Installing on a vertical pipe allows air to naturally rise and escape, reducing the likelihood of air being trapped within the system and enhancing overall performance.

Clean the pipe before mounting

Check the following conditions before mounting the CubicMeter:

  • clean

  • undamaged

  • free from corrosion

  • free from paint

If the area on the copper pipe where the CubicMeter will be mounted is corroded or painted, smooth the pipe surface before mounting by removing any roughness mechanically or using a solvent.

Use the pipe clamps included

The CubicMeter's performance can't be assured unless the materials provided are used.

Do not remount the device

The sensors beneath the device adapt to the pipe over time for optimal readings. However, remounting may risk sensor damage or inaccurate readings. Quandify provides spare parts for devices to be remounted and recommends contact for support and to ensure proper and careful remounting.

Do not rotate the CM around the pipe once tightened

This prevents sensor damage similar to what can occur during device remounting.