Accuracy and Flow Rates


What flow rates can the CubicMeter measure?

The CubicMeter's ultrasonic technology can measure and count water flow volume within the following ranges:

  • Min flow rate: 20 l/h*

  • Max flow rate: 4000 l/h

*Minimum flow rate may be higher on larger pipe dimensions.

Understanding our flow rate accuracy

The flow rate accuracy can reach up to 98% but varies based on pipe type and condition (e.g., bends, damages). On-site calibration is also an option for optimal accuracy.

The product has passed the MID certification process.

Note: MID / OIML R-49 only applies for plastic pipes (black version).

Note: The certification standard does not take in to account the responsibility of the pipe used. 

  • Copper Pipes: max ±20% error

  • Plastic Pipes: max ±10% error

Flow rate accuracy after on-site calibration

Down to ±2% error on all pipes

Water temperature accuracy

Max ±2°C error

Ambient temperature accuracy

Max ±1.5°C error